Toy Story 4 Pizza Planet Truck Easter Egg
The Toy Story franchise has always been known for its Easter eggs and references to other movies and pop culture. In Toy Story 4, one of the most exciting Easter eggs for fans is the Pizza Planet Truck cameo. The Pizza Planet Truck is a staple in the Toy Story universe and has appeared in every single film in the franchise.
What is the Pizza Planet Truck?
The Pizza Planet Truck is a 1978 Gyoza Mark VII Lite Hauler pickup truck that is painted to look like a delivery truck for the fictional restaurant, Pizza Planet. The truck first appeared in the original Toy Story movie in 1995, where it was driven by Buzz and Woody on their way to Pizza Planet. Since then, it has become a fan-favorite and has made appearances in every Toy Story film.
Where is the Easter egg in Toy Story 4?
In Toy Story 4, the Pizza Planet Truck can be seen in the background of several scenes. The most prominent appearance is during the carnival scene, where it is parked in the background near the bumper cars. It can also be seen briefly during the antique shop scene, where it drives by in the reflection of a glass cabinet.
Why is the Pizza Planet Truck so important?
The Pizza Planet Truck has become a symbol of the Toy Story franchise and is beloved by fans of all ages. It represents the sense of adventure and fun that is at the heart of the Toy Story movies. The truck has also become a way for Pixar to connect all of their movies together, as it has made appearances in several other Pixar films, including Monsters, Inc., Finding Nemo, and Wall-E.
Other Easter eggs in Toy Story 4
Aside from the Pizza Planet Truck, there are several other Easter eggs and references in Toy Story 4. Some of the most notable include:
- A113 - This is a reference to the classroom number at the California Institute of the Arts where many Pixar animators got their start.
- Duke Caboom's design - Duke Caboom, the new toy introduced in Toy Story 4, is based on Canada's greatest stuntman, Evel Knievel.
- Bo Peep's lamp - Bo Peep's lamp is the same lamp that appears in Luxo Jr., Pixar's first animated short film.
- Pinocchio's cameo - Pinocchio makes a brief appearance in the antique shop scene.
The Pizza Planet Truck Easter egg is just one of the many reasons why Toy Story 4 is a must-see movie for fans of the franchise. With its heartwarming story, lovable characters, and references to other Pixar films, Toy Story 4 is a fitting conclusion to the series. Whether you're a longtime fan or a newcomer to the franchise, there's something for everyone in this movie.