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My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Pizza

My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Pizza

Do you remember learning the order of the planets in our solar system in school? Maybe you used a helpful mnemonic device to remember them all: My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Pizza. Each word in this phrase corresponds to one of the planets in the order they appear from the Sun.

The Sun

The Sun

As the center of our solar system, the Sun is by far the largest object in it. It contains more than 99% of the total mass of the system and is responsible for the vast majority of the energy that powers life on Earth.



Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system and also the closest to the Sun. It has a very thin atmosphere and no moons, but it does have a day that lasts for about 59 Earth days and a year that lasts for just 88 Earth days.



Venus is the second planet from the Sun and is often called Earth's sister planet because of their similar size and composition. However, Venus has a thick, toxic atmosphere that traps heat and makes it the hottest planet in our solar system.



Our home planet is the only one in our solar system known to support life. It has a moderate climate, liquid water, and a protective atmosphere that shields us from harmful radiation from the Sun.



Mars is often called the Red Planet because of its distinctive color. It has a thin atmosphere and no liquid water on its surface, but scientists believe it may have had liquid water in the past and could potentially support life in the future.



Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and has a massive magnetic field that makes it easy to spot from Earth. It has at least 79 moons and a unique feature known as the Great Red Spot, a giant storm larger than the size of Earth.



Saturn is known for its beautiful rings, which are made up of ice and rock particles that orbit around the planet. It has at least 82 moons and is the second largest planet in our solar system.



Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun and is tilted on its side, causing it to spin on its side as well. It has at least 27 moons and a thin system of rings.



Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun and is the fourth largest planet in our solar system. It has at least 14 moons and a system of rings. It is also known for its high winds, which can reach speeds of up to 1,200 miles per hour.

So the next time you need to remember the order of the planets, just think of My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Pizza!

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