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Key And Peele Fat Guy Orders Pizza Episode

Key And Peele Fat Guy Orders Pizza Episode


Key and Peele is a popular American sketch comedy show that aired on Comedy Central from 2012 to 2015. The show was created by comedians Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele. One of the most popular skits from the show is the "Fat Guy Orders Pizza" episode.

The Skit

In the skit, Keegan-Michael Key plays a morbidly obese man who orders a pizza from a fast food restaurant. The skit starts with Key calling the restaurant and placing his order. As he is placing his order, the employee on the other end of the phone begins to make fun of him for his weight.

Key And Peele Fat Guy Orders Pizza Episode Phone Call

Key's character remains calm and continues to place his order. However, as he is giving his address, the employee decides to make fun of him again, this time for living in a poor neighborhood.

Key And Peele Fat Guy Orders Pizza Episode Address

Key's character becomes frustrated and starts to lose his temper. He begins to yell at the employee and demand that he be treated with respect. The employee becomes scared and starts to apologize profusely.

Key And Peele Fat Guy Orders Pizza Episode Angry

The skit ends with Key's character receiving his pizza and the employee on the other end of the phone being fired for his behavior.

The Impact

The "Fat Guy Orders Pizza" skit became an instant classic and is still referenced and quoted today. The skit's commentary on weight stigma and classism struck a chord with audiences and helped to raise awareness about these issues.


The "Fat Guy Orders Pizza" skit from Key and Peele is a hilarious and thought-provoking commentary on weight stigma and classism. It remains a beloved and influential piece of comedy to this day.

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