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Bread Flour Vs All Purpose Flour Pizza Dough

Bread Flour Vs All Purpose Flour Pizza Dough

When it comes to making pizza dough, choosing the right type of flour is crucial. The two most common types of flour used for pizza dough are bread flour and all-purpose flour. While both of these flours can be used to make pizza dough, there are some differences between them that can affect the final result. In this article, we will compare bread flour and all-purpose flour pizza dough and help you decide which one is best for your pizza making needs.

What is Bread Flour?

Bread Flour

Bread flour is a type of flour that is made from hard wheat. It has a higher protein content than all-purpose flour, which gives it a stronger gluten structure. Gluten is a protein that gives bread its chewy texture and helps it rise. Bread flour is ideal for making bread, bagels, and other baked goods that require a strong gluten structure.

What is All-Purpose Flour?

All Purpose Flour

All-purpose flour is a type of flour that is made from a blend of hard and soft wheat. It has a lower protein content than bread flour, which makes it more versatile. All-purpose flour can be used for a wide range of baked goods, including cakes, cookies, and breads.

Pizza Dough with Bread Flour

Pizza Dough With Bread Flour

When it comes to making pizza dough with bread flour, the higher protein content of the flour is ideal for creating a chewy and crispy crust. Bread flour can absorb more water than all-purpose flour, which means that it can create a dough that is easier to work with and shape. However, bread flour can also create a denser crust, which may not be to everyone's liking.

Pizza Dough with All-Purpose Flour

Pizza Dough With All Purpose Flour

All-purpose flour can also be used to make pizza dough, but it will create a softer and more tender crust. The lower protein content means that the dough will not be as chewy or crispy. However, all-purpose flour can create a lighter and airier crust, which some people may prefer. All-purpose flour is also easier to find and less expensive than bread flour.

Which Flour is Best for Pizza Dough?

Best Flour For Pizza Dough

Choosing the right flour for your pizza dough depends on your personal preference and the type of crust you want to achieve. If you prefer a chewy and crispy crust, then bread flour is the better option. If you prefer a softer and more tender crust, then all-purpose flour is the way to go. It's also worth noting that you can experiment with different ratios of bread flour and all-purpose flour to find the perfect balance for your pizza crust.


Bread flour and all-purpose flour are both great options for making pizza dough. Choosing the right flour for your pizza crust depends on your personal preference and the type of crust you want to achieve. Bread flour is ideal for creating a chewy and crispy crust, while all-purpose flour is better for a softer and more tender crust. Experiment with different ratios of bread flour and all-purpose flour to find the perfect balance for your pizza crust.

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