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4 Friends Evenly Divided Up An N Slice Pizza

Pizza Slice


Pizza is one of the most popular foods in the world, and it’s no surprise that it’s often shared among friends. But what happens when you have an odd number of slices, and you want to divide them equally among four people? In this article, we’ll explore different methods for dividing up an N slice pizza so that everyone gets a fair share.

The Problem with an Odd Number of Slices

Pizza Slices

Let’s say you have a pizza with 7 slices. If you try to divide it equally among four people, you’ll end up with some uneven portions. One person will get two slices, and everyone else will get one slice. This isn’t a fair distribution, and it can lead to arguments or hurt feelings.

Method 1: The Traditional Way

Pizza Sharing

The traditional way of dividing up a pizza is to cut it into halves, then quarters, then eighths. This works well if you have an even number of slices. But if you have an odd number, you’ll still end up with some uneven portions.

To make this method work for an odd number of slices, you can cut one slice in half. This will give you two halves, three quarters, and one eighth. Each person can then take one half, one quarter, and one eighth, resulting in a fair distribution.

Method 2: The Spiral Cut

Spiral Cut Pizza

The spiral cut is a popular method for dividing up a pizza evenly. To make a spiral cut, start by cutting a small circle in the center of the pizza. Then, cut a spiral around the pizza, starting from the center and working your way outwards.

Once you’ve cut the spiral, you can divide the pizza into four equal sections, with each person getting one section. This method works well for an odd number of slices, as you can adjust the size of the spiral to get the desired number of sections.

Method 3: The Diagonal Cut

Diagonal Cut Pizza

The diagonal cut is another method for dividing up a pizza evenly. To make a diagonal cut, start by cutting the pizza in half, then make a diagonal cut across each half. This will give you four equal sections.

If you have an odd number of slices, you can cut one slice in half and add it to one of the sections. This will give you five sections, which you can then divide equally among four people.

Method 4: The Quadrant Cut

Quadrant Cut Pizza

The quadrant cut is a simple and effective method for dividing up a pizza evenly. To make a quadrant cut, start by cutting the pizza in half, then make another cut perpendicular to the first cut to divide the pizza into four equal sections.

If you have an odd number of slices, you can cut one slice in half and add it to one of the sections. This will give you five sections, which you can then divide equally among four people.


Dividing up an odd number of slices among four people may seem like a difficult task, but there are several methods you can use to ensure that everyone gets a fair share. Whether you use the traditional method, the spiral cut, the diagonal cut, or the quadrant cut, the most important thing is to make sure that everyone is happy with their portion.

Related video of 4 Friends Evenly Divided Up An N Slice Pizza