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Man Orders Pizza For 10 Years Then Stops

Man Orders Pizza For 10 Years Then Stops

The Pizza Addiction

Everyone has their own guilty pleasure. For Mike Roman, a 41-year-old man from New Jersey, it was pizza. Roman had a serious addiction to pizza and would eat it every single day for 10 years straight.


The Daily Ritual

For Roman, pizza was not just a meal, it was a daily ritual. He would order a large pepperoni pizza from his favorite pizzeria every day at the same time, and would eat the entire thing himself.


The Health Consequences

It wasn't long before Roman began to experience serious health consequences from his pizza addiction. He gained a significant amount of weight and developed high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Unhealthy Food

The Wake-Up Call

One day, Roman woke up feeling extremely unwell. He knew that his pizza addiction was the cause of his health problems and he decided that it was time to make a change.

Healthy Food

The Pizza-Free Life

After 10 years of eating pizza every day, Roman decided to completely cut it out of his diet. It wasn't easy, but he slowly began to introduce healthier foods into his diet and started exercising regularly.

Healthy Lifestyle

The Results

After several months of living a pizza-free life, Roman began to see significant improvements in his health. He lost weight, his blood pressure and cholesterol levels returned to normal, and he felt better than he had in years.

Healthy Body

The Lesson Learned

Mike Roman's story is a reminder that even the most seemingly harmless habits can have serious consequences over time. It's important to be mindful of what we put into our bodies and to make healthy choices whenever possible.

Healthy Choices

The Takeaway

While pizza may be a delicious treat, it's important to enjoy it in moderation and to balance it out with other healthy foods. Mike Roman's story is a testament to the power of making positive changes in our lives, no matter how difficult they may seem at first.


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